
Paraglider over Moorfoots


Details last updated:

2013-03-24 Site details not recently checked

Site Owner / Negotiator


Site Contact

Dan Renwick, 07968031469

Site History:

Largs is a long standing club site, overlooking the Clyde. Originally used mainly by HG pilots, but now rarely used by HG or PG due to XC limitations.

Altitiude at Launch:


Height top to bottom:




National Grid Reference:

NS216 588

Wind Direction:


Brief Site Description:

Largs is a low but steep grassy outcrop, requiring wind direction to be exactly West or only a few degrees to North. Very scenic.

Special Rules:

Site is within Glasgow SRZ - see NATS agreement which you must have read and signed. You must also be pilot rated, must fly in full VMC, must stay in agreed boxes except where they exit the SRZ. No fees payable.

How to get there:

From Largs centre travel 1 mile south and take the A760 "Haylie Brae" rd. Car parking is signposted for the viewpoint, about 1 mile up this road. Park here and walk (North) past viewpoint to launch area near sundial on Castle Hill.

  • Edinburgh - 120 minutes, 80 miles
  • Glasgow - 65 minutes, 35 miles
  • Perth - 120 minutes, 100 miles
  • Stirling - 90 minutes, 65 miles
  • Dumfries - 105 minutes, 85 miles

Restricted Areas:

Airspace (see NATS agreement). Largs town - Airlaw - A glider shall not fly over built up areas below such height as to allow it to land clear - or 1500ft above the highest fixed object within 2000 ft of the glider, whichever is higher. 500ft rule also applies except during launch, landing, ridge soaring.

Parking Notes:

Parking is in the large viewpoint carpark at the top of Haylie Brae (A760).


Public right of way to viewpoints

RAF Ref.


Launch Notes:

Hang-gliders: Easy carry up and ample room for launch on flat top beside sundial.


Paragliders: as per HG

XC Tips:

Not regarded as an XC site due to airspace retrictions, Glasgow SRZ behind and sea (TMA 'E' 3000-6000) in front.

Top Landing Notes:

Ample room on reasonably flat short grassy terrain, beside or behind launch.

Bottom Landing Notes:

Hang-gliders: On the beach(preferably at low tide), or grass beside the "Needle" monument, North of Largs Marina.


Paragliders: as per HG. Golf course and football parks East of landing area are an emergency landing option if too low to cross railway, but may be in use.


Overhead Railway power lines (across) short of landing area, The Needle monument and picnic benches / people. The sea immediately beyond the landing area, and the buildings of Largs town.