
Paraglider over Moorfoots

The following links are grouped for clarity and provided for convenience. Their inclusion is not an endorsement of any commercial products or services offered. Given there are over 1.5 billion websites world wide, these lists are not exhaustive.


  • Windy - a weather website to cater to free flyers; has multiple predictive models and allows for height selection, useful for assessing possible wind on hills and wind gradient
  • xcweather - a straight forward site for looking at wind and weather from a free flying perspective
  • RASP - Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction. Extremely useful site for helping decide if a day within the next 5 is likely to be a good cross country day
  • XC Para - RASP - link to a more PG / HG tailored version of RASP (works well on mobile devices)
  • Met Office - An old fallback; helpful forecasts of general weather up to several days in advance
  • Tinto weather station - The Club runs a weather station as its "main" flying site on Tinto

Regulatory Authorities / Related

  • BHPA - the UK national body, the British Hang gliding and Paragliding Association
  • SHPF - the Scottish Hang gliding and Paragliding Federation
  • NOTAMs (NATS) - the National Air Traffic System site with information on NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen)
  • NOTAMinfo - a helpful site showing known NOTAMs and areas affected
  • CANP - the BHPA website page dedicated to the Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure
  • CANP app - a very useful website for entering notifications under the Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure
  • FAI CIVL - the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, free flight section (CIVL) website
  • Air Turquoise - French testing house, reports website
  • DHV Test Reports - the German authority's test report database

Flying Sites

  • Paragliding Earth - a well thought out website with 5323 (February 2020) flying sites around the world
  • Paragliding Map - another well thought out site, combining data from several sources (including Paragliding Earth) and weather information to give indications of suitable flying sites for a given day

Neighbouring Clubs

Competitions / Leagues

Fora / Blogs / Magazines / Reviews

Some Manufacturers

HG - Aeriane SwiftAerosAirborneAvianBautek, EllipseFinsterwalderIcaro 2000IkarusLa MouetteMoyesNorth WingQuasarUlteam, UnionUP GlidersWills Wing, Woody Valley

PG - AdvanceAPCO, AxisBGD, DudekGIN, Gradient, Icaro, Independence, KortelMac Para, Niviuk, Nova, Ozone, Sol, Skyman, Skywalk, SupairSwing, Triple Seven, U-Turn, UP, Woody Valley

Instruments - Flymaster, Garmin - inReachNaviter, RenschlerSkybean/SkydropSyride

Other - X-Dream Fly


Non-flying films involving flying - Cloud Cuckoo Land, Untouchable (remade in English as The Upside), Jurassic Park III