
Paraglider over Moorfoots

In days gone by, clubs would use typed newsletters for information dissemination and landline telephones for coordinating flying activities. Modern day communications have advanced since those days, so now the LLSC uses the following channels:

  • Website
    • For background information, news events for access by members, non-members and the general public,
  • E-mail via Google Groups
    • For broadcast messages from the Committee to members and from members to all other members (that have subscribed to the the group)
    • There are two groups - one for all members (including new pilots) and one for new pilots
  • Facebook
    • For photos & videos, as well as posts about club or member activities
  • Telegram
    • Telegram is a smartphone application (Android, iOS and desktop (Windows, MacOS, Linux)) that connects users in groups. Messages sent to a group are seen by all members of the group.
    • There are four main groups used by LLSC members, although those groups are not restricted to LLSC only - they tend to be used for Scotland related flying matters. To avoid spam and other unwanted content on the groups, LLSC members may join those groups by sending an e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.