
Paraglider over Moorfoots

Fairlie (special rules apply)

This site is within Glasgow Airport airspace - you MUST have read and understood the Letter of Agreement to fly this site. These rules have been imposed by Glasgow Air Traffic Control after previous airspace violations and airprox incidents.  Low flying aircraft and helicopters may be routed across this site  to the islands. Failure to open the airspace with Glasgow Air Traffic Control is particularly hazardous as aircraft flying in controlled airspace will not be expecting paragliders and hang gliders.  Also, check special rules described below

Once you have read and understood the rules fill out the Pilot Approval request and join the Telegram message group using this LINK


Details last updated:


Site Owner / Negotiator


Site Contact


Site History:


Altitiude at Launch:


Height top to bottom:




National Grid Reference:

NS221 534

Wind Direction:

West to North West.

Brief Site Description:

A lovely spot facing out over Arran - often good for evening soaring. Mild thermic fun mixed in as well Best winds: W, WNW, NW. Any S in it and its rubbish. XC potential - severely limited by airspace restrictions and (?) sea breeze.

Special Rules:

Site is within Glasgow CRT - see NATS agreement which you must have read and understood. You must use altimeter set to current QNH obtainable from Glasgow air traffic when you open the airspace, must fly in full VMC, must stay in agreed boxes except where they exit the CTR. The person opening airspace must take responsibility for closing it once all flying has ceased. Once the airspace is open the person opening the airspace posts on Telegram "Fairlie airspace open until  ......" Pilots wishing to fly then add their name followed by the word "Active". Once a pilot finishes flying they add their name followed by the word "ceased" Once all pilots have finished flying the person who opened the airspace is responsible for phoning air traffic control to advise that all activity has ceased. They then mark "Fairlie airspace closed" on the Telegram group. Pilots using this site must use the Fairlie and Campsie Telegram group for communication.

How to get there:

See the map.

Restricted Areas:

Airspace - you MUST have read and understood the Letter of Agreement to fly this site.. Mind the exclusion zone around nuclear power station: it rules out the obvious landing field and Portencross Cliffs.

Parking Notes:

Near the gate here , don't obstruct the road.




Not required as this site is within controlled airspace

Launch Notes:

Hang-gliders: Carry up from the road, plenty space to rig and launch


Paragliders: as per HG

XC Tips:

Due to height restriction and airspace behind, it's not a good XC site. Possible XC route is to fly SE, leaving the "box" through the south side.

Top Landing Notes:

HG top landing is possible, but beware of rotor and soft uneven ground. Paragliders can top land anywhere, but beware of soft / uneven ground.

Bottom Landing Notes:

Hang-gliders: Beach at low tide, mind the exclusion zone.


Paragliders: as per HG or near the parking area.


No obvious landings between takeoff and beach: trees, wires, etc.