
Paraglider over Moorfoots


Details last updated:


Site Owner / Negotiator


Site Contact


Special Rules:


Site History:

Previously the main Ochils Paragliding Club site with 4 X 4 access both sadly now no longer existing.

Altitiude at Launch:


Height top to bottom:



Scottish TMA at 4000 feet

National Grid Reference:

NS 856 979

Wind Direction:

South best but also possible in SSE or SSW

Brief Site Description:

Small grassy launch above a steep face.

How to get there:

Head for the village of Menstrie.

Restricted Areas:


Parking Notes:

Park at the top of School Lane near to junction with Ochil Road NS851970.




Link to CANP system to notify other aircraft of activity in this area.

Launch Notes:

Track up the hill clearly visible from the parking place. This is a public footpath.Follow up until a short steep hike brings you to the first launch spot Little Myreton. There is a second launch spot known as big Myreton 40m higher. Little Myreton is best in a SSW wind and Big Myreton in a SSE.


XC Tips:

In SW wind the jump across to Craigleith is straightforward. In a SE wind the route to Dumayat is also straightforward.,

Top Landing Notes:


Bottom Landing Notes:

Land in any of the large fields at the base of the hills clear of livestock. Confident pilots can land on the playing fields in Menstrie.



Care needed if the wind goes west due to rotor from Dumyat.