
Paraglider over Moorfoots

Campsie Fells

Warning. If you try to fly here without following the procedures below you will be spotted from Glasgow airport, reported and face prosecution. These rules have been imposed by Glasgow Air Traffic Control following previous airspace violations and airprox incidents. Please follow these rule to allow continued use of this site by local pilots.

This site is within Glasgow Airport airspace - You must have read and understood the agreement on this link Check special rules described below      

Once you have read and understood the rules fill out the Pilot Approval request and Join the Telegram message group using this LINK 


Details last updated:


Site Owner / Negotiator


Site Contact


Special Rules:

Site is within Glasgow SRZ - Users of this site should be on the Campsie and Fairlie Telegram group for general communication and should have been briefed by an LLSC coach in accordance with the LoA.  You MUST have read and understood the Letter of Agreement to fly this site and you must use altimeter set to current Glasgow QNH available from air traffic control, must fly in full VMC, must stay in agreed boxes except where they exit the SRZ.  It is very important that the person opening the airspace by telephoning Glasgow Air Traffic Control also takes responsibility for closing the airspace once all flying has ceased.  Once airspace is open the person opening airsace posts on the telegram group "Airspace open until ....... " Pilots wishing to fly then add their name followed by the word "Active" once a pilot finishes flying they post their name followed by "Ceased" Once all pilots have ceased flying the person who opened the airspace is responsible for phoning air traffic Control to advise all activity has ceased and then marking the "airspace closed" on the Telegram group.

Site History:

Campsie is within the Glasgow SRZ on the Airport final approach route. It's the subject of a special agreement between LLSC and N.A.T.S. (Air Traffic Control) You must use Altimeter and have read and understood the Campsie Agreement and have been briefed on the site by an LLSC coach.

Altitiude at Launch:


Height top to bottom:




National Grid Reference:

NS620 800

Wind Direction:

South to South West.

Brief Site Description:

Steep cliff site, with many launch options and a flat grassy top. Often very thermic. Good for evening soaring flights.

How to get there:

From Lennoxtown take the B822 (Crow Rd). Travel 2 miles North of Lennoxtown, park at viewpoint  Car Park .

Restricted Areas:

Airspace above 2000ft and outside permitted "box"(see NATS agreement), Farmfields with animals, golf course.

Parking Notes:

Park in the viewpoint car park on B822, 2 miles North of Lennoxtown. There are sometimes wind indicator streamers on a post by the car park.


Bottom flat fields adjacent A891 are now a community forest.


Not required as Glasgow air traffic control are notified by telephone.

Launch Notes:

Hang-gliders: Follow the track opposite the carpark up the hill to a suitable area, dependent on wind strength.


Paragliders: as per HG

XC Tips:

Due to height restriction, not a good XC site. Possible XC route is to fly Sth. East, staying within "box" limits as per NATS agreement, and exit the SRZ near Kilsyth into TMA [G] ground to 3000 airspace.

Top Landing Notes:

HG top landing is possible, but beware of soft uneven ground. Paragliders can top land anywhere, but beware of soft / uneven ground.

Bottom Landing Notes:

Best landing is at Clachan of Campsie in the obvious field devoid of trees.Possible to land opposite car park on Crow Road where there are several flat areas. Beware new fences surrounding forestry near and below landing area and above road. Beware overshooting landing area where there are numerous hazards road crash barriers and fences. Bottom fields now have recent new forestry plantations with numerous thistles. Beware of power wires across bottom fields. There is a suitable landing area just northwest of the car parking area in Kincaid Drive Lennoxtown. The area is quite large but very uneven with sloping areas and hummocks and bounded by new forestry fencing. It is advisable to inspect before use if you intend to land here.




Civil aircraft flying above 2000 ft so strict adherence to ceiling is mandatory. In strong lift, good descent techniques are essential strong thermals can be generated from the nearby village big ears may not be sufficient to avoid airspace. Flying on very thermic days is not recommended. Take great care to fly within your abilities. Power wires and fences at bottom field should present no problem. Beware of venturi effects in the pass above car park. Pilots should also be aware of the possibility of wake turbulence from low flying heavy jets above.