
Paraglider over Moorfoots

Broughton Heights

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Special Rules:

A parking gratuity of £2.00 (including members) is payable direct to the farmer when flying here. If farmer is not around, leave money at the farmhouse before parking - this is not a site fee.

Site History:

Broughton is the club's main Westerly site in the South Lanarkshire area. It is particularly popular with HG pilots since 4WD access to launch is often possible. The site has been used for various club competitions and the Scottish (PG) Open

Altitude at Launch:


Height top to bottom:



Scottish TMA 'D' over 5500ft. Check you have latest airspace details on your navigation device or an up to date chart.

National Grid Reference:

NT122 414 (main bowl)

Wind Direction:

West, South West.

Brief Site Description:

Large open bowl with slight spine back ridge, but with ample flat areas on top. Options for lower launch from side of hill and tight Nth West bowl

How to get there:

The site is accessed via Lochurd farm on the A701, Link Here

Restricted Areas:


Parking Notes:

Drive through farmyard. Parking is in the Nth East corner of the farmyard, immediately before the field gate, but do not obstruct access. 4-wheel drive vehicles can ascend the hill in dry weather. Check with farmer for permission and ground conditions.Link Here


Mr Noble, Lochurd farm


Link to CANP system to notify other aircraft of activity in this area.

Launch Notes:

Hang gliders: Walk / drive across field heading South, through gate and follow steep track on left, up hill to top of West facing bowl. Here  Anywhere on top of bowl can be used to launch. There is a new track being built to under the windtalker which would offer a shorter carry to the spur.


Paragliders: Walk / drive across field heading South. Once through gate, follow steep track to left as per HG's or continue straight ahead for lower Nth West face. There is a new track being built to under the windtalker which would offer a shorter carry or kiting up to the spur.

XC Tips:

Airspace - class D over 4500ft, with 6000 ft ceiling to the North and 5,500 ft ceiling to the South. Good xc potential for both PG and HG. Current (2001) XC site record is 103km to Alnwick, set in March 1999 by Martin Pacitti (HG).

Very nice little round the corner hop (South) to Broughton village possible in light thermic/soaring conditions. Ideal sortie for new XC pilots?

Top Landing Notes:

Broughton is good for top landing,with ample flat areas but beware of the boundary fence at rear of launch. PGs should watch their penetration above the ridge.

Bottom Landing Notes:

Hang-gliders can normally land in the roadside field on the North East side of Lochurd farm - check with farmer if in doubt. Bottom landing in bowl is ok, but will result in a long walk-out.


Paragliders can land as per HG's, or in any non - crop fields around the farmhouse, but avoid livestock.


Spine back ridge on North side of main bowl can produce rotor in Nth. Westerlies. PG's beware of this when heading for Lochurd farm. RAF often fly this area midweek.